Atelier Uncommon, founded by three close friends, is a handmade goods brand that focuses on refining and deepening our relationship with everyday products while connecting us with talented makers. Their approach and the way they carefully, slowly curate their unique collection, urges us to question our consumption habits.
Visual Identity
Logo Design
Atelier Uncommon
For a long time, we had been under the spell of fast and mass consumption. Yet we realise now, almost daily, repeatedly, how this consumption pattern harms nature, exploits people, and lacks something very fundamental: a soul, a story.
We think it is now a good moment to look back to the beautiful craftswomen around us and bring their authentic, unique, uncommon creations to wider audiences. We think the products should have a story, they should put a glimpse on our faces. We think it is worthy to know the person who creates the things we consume.
We aim to humanize the relationship of people with everyday products. We aim to connect you with talented women that we know and trust and to introduce you to their passionately handcrafted, uncommon products.
Atelier Uncommon
The Colour palette was created with honesty and the feeling of home in mind. Neutral earthen colours symbolise authenticity, warmth and modesty. Soothing tones brings grounded characteristics to Atelier Uncommon's identity.
Illustrations of hands represent the value of crafting while they support and enhance the core idea and the concept of Atelier Uncommon.